1 Matrículas Abiertas Trinity Christian School
1.0 Kinder Trinity Christian Schol
2 Secundaria Trinity Christian Schol
3 Trinity Christian School
4 Secundaria Trinity Christian School
5 Trinity Christian School Tecnología

We want to share with you what the Lord Jesus is doing in our school.

Every year we take on new challenges to achieve new goals, facilitating cognitive and spiritual growth, training children and young students integrally with a solid foundation. In Trinity Christian School we have highly qualified personnel being in permanent training, enabling them to continually educate students with excellence

TCS is a bilingual school (English-Spanish), our infrastructure is adequate and meets high educational standards providing the conditions that facilitate the teaching-learning process.

Different teaching methods and methodological strategies are being applied at TCS, where the student is able to build their own knowledge directed by the teacher. We serve all levels from preschool to high school. We have also incorporated technological education where students work with interactive state of the art equipment.

We promote the learning of music, valuing the gifts and talents that God has given to each student.

As a short-term project we have the building of a pool so our students learn to swim.

The love of nature is encourage and emphasize, carrying out an aquaponic’s project that arouse the students interest in the recycling of water and food production in our school garden; through environmental educational training, nursery care and preservation such as promoting soil fertility organically, etc.

We regard that TCS is a blessing that God has made available to all families who value quality education with a Christian foundation.

We offer parent conferences, marriage counseling and Bible studies that are of great benefit and support in the formidable task of the integral formation of the child.

If you have comments or questions, please contact us at the following address.